34 Iklan Yg keren dan kreatif

Diposting oleh admin on Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

Jaman sekarang kalo mw mempromosikan sebuah barang emg harus kreatif caranya biar konsumen tertarik beli. tul ga gan??
Dibawah ini adalah contoh dari iklan2 yg kreatif. Mw tau apa aja? Cekidot gan

  1. Silk Soft – Toilet Tissue Promotion
    Maksudnya utk membuktikan bahwa tissue silk soft dapat didaur ulang
    Spoiler for Keren:

  2. Tyskie – Beer Mugs Stickers
    Keren gan! Jadi seperti narik segelas beer
    Spoiler for Keren:

  3. Police- Slower is Better
    Slower is better (klo terlalu lelet kapan sampenya) heheheee
    Spoiler for Keren:

  4. Tramontina Precision Knives – Ultrathin slices
    Spoiler for Keren:

  5. Tibits – Very Very Fresh Vegetarian Food
    Batang pohon dihias sedemikian rupa sehingga ngebentuk sebuah garpu
    Spoiler for Keren:

  6. Unicef – Dirty Water Vending Machine
    Ane juga kurang ngerti gan
    Spoiler for Keren:

  7. Swiss Skydive – Elevator
    Naik lift ini jadi berasa kaya terbang. Keren banget!
    Spoiler for Keren:

  8. Fisch Franke – the Living poster Filled with Water and Real Fish
    Poster yg diisi sama air dan ikan sungguhan. (sebenernya bisa gerak posternya gan)
    Spoiler for Keren:

  9. Fiji Travel – Throw Away Your Clothes
    Spoiler for Keren:

  10. Je*s Jeans – No Need to Bend Anymore
    Spoiler for Keren:

  11. Fitness First (International chain of health clubs)
    Spoiler for Keren:

  12. Colgate – Don’t Forget
    Jgn lupa sikat gigi biar kinclong kaya gini >>>
    Spoiler for Keren:

  13. Bergmann & Sohn Funeral services
    Spoiler for Keren:

  14. toysdirect.com: Batteries
    Keren gan! Bus dengan batere
    Spoiler for Keren:

  15. Rimmel Quick Dry Nail Polish
    Yg ini favorit ane banget gan
    Spoiler for Keren:

  16. Frontline – Get Them Off Your Dog
    Spoiler for Keren:

  17. Milky Way: Seatbelt
    Spoiler for Keren:

  18. Aseema Charitable Trust: Education for Street Children
    Spoiler for Keren:

  19. KitKat – Bench
    Kursinya terbuat dari coklat (sebenernya bukan coklat beneran gan)
    Spoiler for Keren:

  20. What Goes Around – Comes Around
    Yg ini keren gan
    Spoiler for Keren:

  21. The Economist – How Long Can You Stay On?
    Spoiler for Keren:

  22. Lay’s – Our Potatoes Are Grown Closer Than You May Think
    Spoiler for Keren:

  23. doydoy – Germany’s Biggest Kebab
    Spoiler for Keren:

  24. Pepperidge Farm Soft Bread
    Spoiler for Keren:

  25. Wonderbra: Boobs! I broke the glass

    Spoiler for Keren:

  26. WWF – Save Paper – Save the Planet
    Spoiler for Keren:

  27. Monster.com Foosball – Stuck In The Wrong Job?
    Spoiler for Keren:

  28. Gorge Grown Farmers Market
    Spoiler for Keren:

  29. Your pin money. His life fountain!

    Spoiler for Keren:

  30. MTV Switch – Global Warming. What’s All The Fuss About?
    Spoiler for Keren:

  31. Science World – A Beaver Can Cut Down 200 Trees a Year
    Sebenernya pohon ini ga bener2 begitu, cuman ditempelin gambar
    Spoiler for Keren:

  32. Eye Boner (the Orange Apple)
    Ngeri ya gan, ampe keluar gitu matanya
    Spoiler for Keren:

  33. Meister Proper – Pedestrian Crossing
    Spoiler for Keren:

  34. BIC – Huge Razor
    Spoiler for Keren:
Yap! Cukup segitu aja gan

SUmber : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=2560070

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